Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Birchfield, D.L. "Freedmen".Encyclopedia of North American Indians. Volume IV.

Europeans were not the only people who owned slaves. Indian tribes such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole were also partakers of slave holding. While some tribe members owned fewer slaves other owned a large amount of slaves. Robert Jones, a mixed-blood Choctaw, owned a plantation with over five hundred African American slaves.

Call me senseless, but I never knew that Indians had slaves or maybe I was just not fully aware of it. Coming from a known blood line of Cherokee ancestry, on both my grandfather and grandmothers side, I am somewhat disappointed and I am starting to see the prejudice views that Cherokee people can have against African Americans, through my own families negative personal encounters with Cherokee Indians, regarding our own citizenship's.

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